RSE Group

RSE Group
Group shot of all the RSE attendants

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Gearing Up


Today is one of my big days to get ready for the Thanksgiving weekend and the entrance into December and the Advent season.  I have a lot of things coming up and coming up fast.  It has been nice to have these last couple easier weeks to get a bit of a head start on what is coming and prepare for it rather than getting swamped during it.  It's been nice to be planning for children's messages again.  I haven't done one in a while but I have three coming up right after another which gives me a feel for what Michael has been doing for years here at Redeemer.  Also I was able to get my dishes done finally.  Having the ability to watch my series helps out a lot and makes the time go by fast.  I realized that all the things I hate about doing the dishes only get worse, or only exist, when I let them go for a long time.

Today I learned that I have a lot of planning to do with my next idea for a mystery dinner.  There is a lot to do to make it simple enough to understand but also engaging for the youth that attend.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Your Average Day

Well nothing big or huge to report today.  Today was a pretty normal day at the office and at home.  I was able to get some good work done today.  Although I was a bit distracted.  Not sure why but it is what it is.  Maybe it was just because it is a Monday leading into the Holiday week.  Who knows.  At home I was able to do some gaming as well as get some time to talk with Amy which is always nice.  Just your average pretty good day here in Rochester.  :)

Today I learned that I get a lot of emails in one day.  I get a lot from Redeemer people but also just a lot from things I've been a part of in the past.  I also get a lot of spam which is just plain annoying sometimes.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Lost Puppy


Today during the education hour I followed Michael around as he explained the Christmas program to all the Sunday school classes.  I was there to make sure I understood exactly what he was looking for as well as the ability to go around later and answer questions if need be when Michael cannot.  It was good to hear it several times to get it solidified in my head so I can explain it later and hopefully relieve some stress of both the teachers and Michael.  I commented at one point that I felt and looked like a lost puppy following him and we both had a good laugh.  Then near the time of me leaving for home Lori commented that I looked like a lost puppy following Michael around.  We all had a good laugh.  For the rest of the day I did some light cleaning as well as gaming here and there.

Today I learned that I miss teaching the senior high.  It was nice to do something different this week but it felt weird and odd not to be in the youth room during the education hour.

Amy Visits


Today's big thing was Amy visiting.  Even though we would see each other on Thanksgiving it was nice to have just us time.  We went out to see Mockingjay Part 1 and we were both very pleasantly surprised.  We were not expecting them to keep to the books or do a very good job but it actually turned out to be quite a good movie.  Then we headed back and hung out for a bit at the apartment.  Then upon Amy's demand we went to Target and picked up the second Hobbit because Amy had not seen it yet.  We also looked around for Christmas gifts and picked up our supper for the night.  We then headed back and spent the rest of the evening watching the second Hobbit and then she headed back to Hudson.

Today I learned how glad I am that Amy loves to just sit and watch movies as much as me.  It's so nice to just hang out and watch movies together or going out to see one at the theater.  

Driving Around Town


Today on my day off I went around town and did some much needed shopping.  My main goal was to get some new shoes for the upcoming winter as well as just because I needed new shoes.  I headed to Target first thinking they would have the best selection.  They did not have a very extensive selection for guy's shoes but I was able tog get a pair for myself.  I also picked up some food and other necessities.  Then I decided to take an adventure to the Hobby Goblin place here in Rochester.  First off I actually got there a bit early.  They open up at noon on weekdays.  Then inside it felt a lot like the Source in Roseville but much smaller.  I did pick up a Commander deck but I think I've decided I like the game store I found in Byron.  Then I headed home and spent the majority of the day just hanging out and doing some different gaming.

Today I learned that I'm getting very good at knowing where places are in Rochester.  I only had to use my GPS to get to a new place but I was able to find my way back to my apartment with no problem at all.



Today's big event was our cluster meeting.  We headed over to Pizza Ranch with Mark for the cluster meeting.  It was the same people as I had met last time.  We talked about quite a few subjects.  I've found this meetings to be very helpful as an up and coming DCE.  It is great to get insight and different ideas from many DCEs in looking at how I want to incorporate different ideas into how I will be doing ministry when I get to my first call.  Plus we eat at a wonderful place.  From the different trips I have had to places I've seen Pizza Ranches and always thought they were just another Pizza Hut kind of place.  Actually going into one for the first time a couple months ago here on internship I've discovered it is a great place that has delicious food.  :)

Today I learned that even DCEs that have been in the field for awhile still get nervous and have questions about different situations.  That is comforting to know as I enter ministry.  I don't have to to have all the answers going in or even a ways down the road.  

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Confirmation Night


Today I was much more productive than the day before.  I didn't complete many pieces of work but I was able to make some great headway on a lot of larger projects I have going on right now.  It was a pretty great work day.  I was able to get some great work done on my next mystery dinner idea and I am very excited to see how it goes and where it can lead for some great faith talks.  Another thing for today was getting down to Associated Bank and picking up some quarters so I could get my laundry done.  After work I ate some quick supper and headed back for confirmation.  Tonight we talked about creation vs evolution and there was some great conversation.  After that I began the long task of my laundry, and only one washer was working.  I was up till about 2:15 doing it, but I got it all done and I can sleep in on Friday which is nice.  

Today I learned that you meet all sorts of people when you are out and about.  At the bank I met a very friendly older gentleman who talked briefly with with me but it was a fun conversation.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Day at the Office


Today was just an ordinary day at the office.  I spent my normal time here.  Although it felt longer because I just didn't have much focus or concentration.  Not sure why, probably just one of those days now and then.  I was able to get quite a bit done but probably could have been a bit more productive but I did have time to make progress in both my books which is nice.  I am hoping to get back into the practice of reading some more now that I have a bit less going on right after another.

Today I learned that my slower days drag on and it is hard form me to focus and concentrate for the whole day.  I'm able to work ahead just have to work a bit harder to keep myself going and motivated.

Channel 1 Food Bank


Today was a typical day at the office.  Michael and I were able to meet and catch from the last week.  I really enjoy those times because it gives me chance to go over my week and get some thoughts from Michael on direction for the upcoming week and just talk through some things that are going on.  My big thing for today was the PYROS event.  We were volunteering at the Channel 1 Food Bank.  We got three youth from Redeemer and then some other adults from Redeemer that are not usually with the youth.  It was a great time and we packaged some weird things, but it is whatever is donated to them.  I had fun and hopefully I will be able to do it again sometime while here.

Today I learned that there are a lot of really awesome people at Redeemer I haven't been able to meet yet.  Getting to know some more people at the Channel 1 Food Bank was a pretty great time.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Heaven, Hell, and What's Beyond


Today I taught my last Sunday school lesson for awhile.  Michael will be teaching for a bit to give me a chance to see what else happens on a Sunday morning during the education hour.  I will need to come up with a plan for what I will be doing otherwise I will just wonder and not really experience anything.  I am excited to see some adult classes to both learn and get some ideas for how I want to teach my adult lesson coming up.  Tonight I also had Ignite.  We were talking about Heaven, Hell, and death tonight.  Instead of a lesson where everyone listens to Michael or does some sort of activity he had them get into groups and dig into the Bible.  Each group had a topic and verses to look up about their topic.  My group had Heaven and they really got into looking up the verses and figuring out what they meant and were talking about.  It was a really great idea and really got them engaged, especially knowing that they would have to report back and teach their fellow peers.

Today I learned that while there are a lot of questions about what comes after we die and all around death, the Bible gives us some great answers that the youth identify with.  It was great and a real inspiration to see them dig into the Bible for answers.

Faith Story Retreat


Today my big event for the day was the faith story retreat.  It is an event put on by the family ministry team here at Redeemer.  I was very fortunate and was able to simply participate in this one. I have to say this was a truly amazing event.  It is basically a guided time to take a look at your life and see how God has blessed you and how your faith has been formed.  It is especially trying to point out that our faith is primarily formed outside of church events.  Those play a huge part in our faith stories but God is not bound to just work through those.  That is a very cool eye opening experience to see people go through.  I had a great time and need to covenant with myself in order to keep writing and working on this project.  I know the initial excitement will die down but thankfully I like to write so I think that'll help me keep up on this.

Today I learned that although I am younger I still have quite a faith story to tell.  I guess I in a way I knew that but seeing it on paper and in front of me is a very cool and tangible thing to show me exactly how far I have come.

In Hudson


I started the morning pretty early with my dad's retirement party at the government center.  Since he worked the overnight shift they had his party early in the morning.  There were two cakes as well as a breakfast catered by the cooks there.  It was a great time.  A good number of people came to visit.  After that I headed out shopping with my mom and then came home.  After awhile we went out to the cities to pick up my cousin Sarah.  We brought her back to Hudson because she would be staying with my parents for the weekend.  Then we headed out to Pier 500 for lunch and had some great food and great conversation.  After that we took Amy to work and just hung out at the house in the afternoon.  I picked up Amy and we had supper and then I headed back to Rochester.  It was a pretty awesome day with my family and had a wonderful time.

Today I learned that my dad was very appreciated at his work  He was been one of the only ones to get a retirement party from his department.  Even though today was a day where a lot of people were out a lot of people came and visited him to say goodbye and good luck.

First Winkle and Home


I attended my first winkle meeting today.  It is a meeting of all the circuit Pastors, DCEs are also invited.  It was nice to put some faces to names that I had heard around Redeemer as well as Concorida sometimes as well.  We had a great deal to discuss and it is amazing all that this circuit is a part of and doing within the area.  After that we headed back and I got some lunch as well has having my WiFi modem shipped to me.  I set up what I could before I headed back to Redeemer.  I needed my computer for the rest so I would do that before I left for Hudson tonight.  So I headed back to Redeemer and did some work to get me ready for the weekend.  Then I headed back and I was able to set up my Wi-Fi at my apartment.  With that I headed to Hudson and was able to make it in time for dinner and having quite a bit of time with my family and Amy.  It was a pretty awesome day.

Today I learned that there is a lot of awesome ministry happening in our circuit.  We are supporting many ministries and working together quite a bit.  It is really inspiring to see that happening as future church worker.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Car Back!


The big new of the day was my car.  I was able to get in contact with Frahms, along with my dad, and get my car all figured out.  I drove it back to the office and it worked great and it is wonderful and a blessing to have it back.  I thank God for the blessing of good and reliable mechanics he put in Rochester.  I was able to drive myself to confirmation that night.  I visited both classes so I could talk about the PYROS event coming up as well as the Newsboys concert we would be attending in December.  I got some new names as well as confirmation of people who had expressed interest earlier.  I then was a guide for the 1st and 2nd year confirmation class.  They were finishing up the 10 commandments and talking about greed, coveting, and stealing.  It was a very good discussion.

Today I learned that when I'm worrying about something my work is affected quite a bit.  I was thinking about my car a lot today and it really distracted me from getting as much work done as I could have.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

First Snow


The big thing today was the first snow fall in Rochester.  It was pretty slushy and gross outside.  I went to start my car to warm it up while I scraped the snow and ice off and it wouldn't start.  It would sound like it would turn over than just wouldn't.  I thought "really today?".  I called Michael and he was able to try to jump my car but that didn't work.  He brought me in for the morning.  Than at lunch he came to get me and we tried a different way of trying to see if it was the battery or what.  We tried a jump with the cables directly connected to the wires and got the same result.

I then called AAA and they were sending out a tow truck.  The driver got there and he tried out some stuff on the car.  He said it was just that the engine was flooded.  He eventually got it to start and said I should drive it out to the auto place and try to start it out there so in case it was something else I would already be somewhere that could do something.  On the way out there the car died several times but I was able to get it started and eventually out to Frahms.  There I was going to have them look at it in case it was something else.

I was able to get some answers with the car and they will be working on a couple things to get it running again.  The rest of my night was with youth board as well as Council.  They were both good meetings with quite a bit of stuff happening at Redeemer.

Today I learned that although there can be difficult and frustrating times you can find God's blessings in little and big ways all over.  With my car a blessing was I got to Frahms, the guys there are great and friendly, and I will have a fixed car afterward.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Coming Back


Well it has been quite awhile since I have blogged.  I know that because Amy and my mom keep bugging me about.  They are right too and it has helped me to get on it.   I could make up a hundred excuses about why I haven't written.  If I'm being honest with myself it is because I just haven't made it a priority and the longer I let it pile up the less I have the desire to do it.  So I'm just going to start from today and move on from today.  The big thing that has happened was last weekend.  I lead a mystery dinner lock-in at Redeemer.  I put in the work for characters and getting the events and plot and activities all set up.  I would say overall it was a very good time.  The youth seemed to be getting into it and really having a fun time with it.  I hope they had a good time.

Today was a big catch up day.  I caught up on my journal and started back on the blog here as well.  It actually feels good to be writing about my time again.  I need to find some accountability for doing this blogs.  Any good ideas on that note please comment or talk to me about it.  My day was pretty average.  I was able to get some good work done even though it was a Monday, and a Monday after a lock-in.  I finished my second book for Internship and posted my book blog for that.  Also as of the 13th of this week I will have Wi-Fi at my apartment.  Now I just need to get my CD drive from Adam and I will be all good to go.

Today I learned that the Monday after a lock-in feels kind of blah.  I got quite a bit accomplished but it was difficult to stay focused all day long and keep working.