I had a very slow morning. I did some blog writing to pass the time a bit. Then I did some reading of the two books I am working on at church. They are Pursuit of God and Make Him Known. They are very good books. One is about our own passionate pursuit of God after He has already pursued us. It is by A.W. Tozer and presents a very interesting and real Christian life that we have strayed from. The other book is from Lutheran Hour Ministries. It is mainly directly towards lay people and was given to me by Pastor Koglin. It is a book we are looking at while taking a look at our theme. It has some very good information and really stresses the idea of being fed before we go out to make disciples but that making disciples is still a huge goal of the Christian.
After lunch I came back and went to the sanctuary. There I practiced my children's message quite a few times. There were some phrases I was having trouble with. When I said them out loud I began to get better ideas of what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it. It is a weird and uncomfortable experience to talk out loud with no one there in the sanctuary. However it is extremely helpful when trying to get phrases down and weed out a message. I am glad I am doing it and will continue to do it with my children's messages even when I get more comfortable down the road. After that I took some time to practice my saxophone. I played downstairs and worked a bit more focused on a couple pieces. I want to get my playing ability back to where I was at the end of high school and into college.
I came in for service later that night to do my second children's message at Redeemer. Well technically 5th but second theme one. It went very well but we need to look at changing the mic for my voice at some point. Probably when Michael gets back. Then after that we had the second VBS training session. It went very well and Paula is ready to hand it off to me this Sunday. I feel pretty good about doing it. I had some time at the end to talk to Marcia, Paula, Ginger, and Paul which was good. It feels so good to get getting names down and really have stuff to be a part of and know what I am doing. Played some Sims after that. Finally have the 5th kid for Sim Amy's goal and working on Sim Brian's goal of becoming a grand master in Sim Fu.
You need a stuffed animal to practice to. Then again that might be MORE awkward