On this last day of November we had our first Sunday in Advent. The blue colors are up and the Christmas season has officially started. I gave my children's message twice today and felt very good about it. Even though I forgot my original prop I had another one I could use right in my apartment. I talked about heirlooms because that is what Pastor Koglin was starting his sermon off with this morning. It worked well for the theme of the service as well as the theme of the month. During the education hour I walked around to the different classrooms and asked where there were and if they had any questions about the Christmas program. Things are going great with it which is nice for Michael and I.
Later that day we had the first meeting for the senior high youth Christmas program. We had a pretty good turn out. We were able to go through the candles and get those ready for the service. Other than that we had a time of fellowship and talking a bit about what had been done in the past for this service. I am excited to be a part of this and see how it goes here at Redeemer. Michael has told me that this is one of, if not the, his favorite services.
Today I learned that I'm getting names and places down in my head for a Sunday morning. Going around to the different rooms was pretty close to second nature and I just knew where to go which is a great feeling.
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