RSE Group

RSE Group
Group shot of all the RSE attendants

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy


Started off the morning with a meeting with Michael.  We finished up the first chapter in Acts.  It is very interesting to be reading how it is written in three versions.  I have my NKJV which I grew up with and has some very interesting language.  And he brings up the NIV and ESV on his iPad.  We also talked about getting ready for Kevin's visit coming up in September or October.  I can't believe I am already coming up on my third month in Rochester.  It feels like I've been here for years, in a very good way.  It gives me so much joy and excitement to know that I still have 9 months here!  For the rest of the morning I worked on Lake George stuff and started to get some stuff written down for my part of the Lord's Prayer for Faith Journey here.  Then I headed home for some lunch.

After lunch I really sat down to get the Lord's Prayer stuff done.  I had the six and seventh petition as well as the ending.  That is "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever amen".  I did some research into some explanations as well as Luther's and found some very good stuff.  I tried to make sure to keep the same ideas while using understandable words.  This booklet is meant for families to be using with their elementary age youth.  After I completely my first draft I had Michael take a look at it and he gave me some very good critique on it.  After that Michael took me on a tour of Rochester.  With all the busyness we've had this is the first time we've really been able to actually do this.

The drive was very helpful and I am even starting to get some directions and landmarks in my head.  My dad would be proud that I got nearly all the questions of what direction we were going correct.  I am able to learn :P  After the drive I headed home for some supper and played some more Dragon Age.  I am on the final quest and getting towards the game boss.  Also I started to return to working on my book and getting a detailed outline for myself.  Around 9:00 or so I headed out to Cinemagic to go to Guardians of the Galaxy.  I've been hearing so much about it and I am a big Marvel fan so I had to.  I really enjoyed it and would recommend to anyone that likes Marvel and Firefly/Serenity style movies.

Today I learned that I am really starting to learn the Rochester area and get landmarks and what not in my head.  I've been to a lot more places than I had realized and recognized much more than I would have imagined I would have.  

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