RSE Group

RSE Group
Group shot of all the RSE attendants

Monday, August 25, 2014

Hudson Visits Rochester


I got up at my normal time for work.  My body is just used to that time so I didn't really fight it.  Plus getting up that early gave me the time I needed to clean up my apartment.  I was doing it partly for my friends coming and partly for my parents coming this week.  However mainly I cleaned because I hadn't done a deep clean of my apartment yet.  It really showed when I went through each room.  It looks 100 times better now and I just feel better.  I got my mother's sense of cleanliness.  I look at something dirty and just want to fix it.  Although for me my laziness can take over sometimes in those situations :P  I was able to get through my entire apartment as well as get some soda for that night before Gordon, JJ, and T showed up.

We hung out for a bit when they got there.  Then I headed to service and they went out to get a snack before we went to dinner that night.  I showed the slide show for the service that night.  What I had forgotten was about setting up the projector and the screen.  It took a bit longer than I had thought and I didn't have enough time for the slide show to go all the way through.  It was all good though because I was able to show it after service in the narthex.  A few people stayed and watched it which was fun to talk and share about with them.  Then I headed home and we went out to Whiskey Creek.  They quite enjoyed the food.  After that we came back to my place and started our character gen session.

We didn't get a chance to actually play because Gordon didn't have the first mission ready quite yet but we were able to get our characters ready.  JJ, T, and myself began to plot and scheme to make Gordon work through his campaign.  This is a normal thing for us, especially when he decides to start a game.  He doesn't have the best track record with keeping up in those games and they get put away quickly.  It was a lot of fun to hang out with them and just talk and what not.

Today I learned how much I've missed gaming.  Doing this with them brought back memories and how much fun we have with it.  It was an excellent time and can't wait to game some more.

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