RSE Group

RSE Group
Group shot of all the RSE attendants

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Back into the Swing


This was my first Sunday back since two weeks ago.  It felt really nice to be in service again at Redeemer.  I didn't realize how much I had missed it.  I did my children's message again at early service.  We had a combined Sunday school opening that was done by the 7th graders.  They did a very cool drama that got all of us involved.  They taught us about Elijah and the prophets of Baal at Mt. Carmel.  Then we headed off to Sunday school time.  The senior high youth went through the idea of Thus Says the Lord, Thus Says a Biblical Character, and Thus Says the World.  The activity went very well and they were able to come to the point at the end of the lesson which was great.  I got a chance to talk to Michael about my children's message and he gave some good advice on it that I was able to use in second service.

I headed home for a bit and then came back in for Ignite later that night.  We started off with some great songs, and generated some excitement about the new songbook coming out soon.  We then went into elbow tag as a beginning activity for the lesson that night.  We then played some mastermind after that.  Then Michael brought us to the 10 Commandments and how the Law is perfect and we all have broken it.  However there is a grace there that saves us.  And with the Law we take a stand, through Christ, for Thus Says the Lord and then the Holy Spirit can show you the Gospel.

Today I learned how to lock up if I'm one of, or the, last person out at night.  It was sort of another rite of passage that was pretty cool for me.  Not important to many people but definitely something for me.  

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