RSE Group

RSE Group
Group shot of all the RSE attendants

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mayo Experience


Well the big news of today is I visited Mayo for the first time.  It was for an appointment.  I've had an ingrown toenail for the past month and a half.  I kept hoping it would simply fix itself so I wouldn't have to go in.  However that was not the case.  So to start things off I parked in the wrong building.  But I was able to walk over to the correct one and I had arrived early which helped.  I got there and was called in.  It was not the doctor they had set as my primary care but he was a really cool guy.  It took a look at it and told me the options.  He said he would talk to some others there to see what they thought.

They said the best option would be to have a procedure that day to pull part of the nail out.  I decided to take their advice and proceeded to do that.  They numbed up toe, which is just amazing to me.  We have the technology to numb specific parts of our bodies while not having to go completely under.  They were able to cut a portion away and get the part of the toenail out.  They gave me some medication as well as stuff to wrap it up in.  They said not to go back to work for the day and just let my foot rest.  I headed back home with my stuff and did as they said.  I didn't have any pain with it after the anesthetic wore off which was great.  Also the pain from the nail was completely gone.  It was a complete turn around for me.  There was no longer any pain from the smallest amount of touch on it.  Praise God!

Today I learned that there are so many Mayo buildings.  I parked next to the wrong one and walked past like three others.  It's really quite amazing how much of Rochester is Mayo and all that they do for the city.

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