RSE Group

RSE Group
Group shot of all the RSE attendants

Monday, June 9, 2014



I figured I should probably put dates to keep track of which post is what day.  As you may see I posted two for today.  One is from 6/6 and the other is for today.  Today was a pretty fun day as well.  Said goodbye to Adam today as he headed home and I headed to Redeemer.  At the office I was able to paint the grout lines for the walls we are making for Rochester Servant Event.  I was able to use Dave's teaching of how to spin a roller to clean out the one I used.  It is the slickest way to clean out a roller bar none.  After that I met the other half to that dynamic duo, Scott.  I see why Dave and Scott are best friends and they are a lot of fun to be around.  They took Michael and I to Zadeos pizza place.  It was delicious and a great time of conversation.  Coming back Michael and did some canvasing of a nearby neighborhood for the Rochester Servant Event as well as the upcoming VBS.  It was a lot of fun to talk to people around the neighborhood and share what God is doing through Redeemer.  Later that night my parents stopped by for my second installation service.  Pastor Jim joked that I was only going to be half installed after tonight.  After the service my family and I went to Perkins to have some dinner.  They dropped off some more stuff for the apartment and then we said our goodbyes.  It was really great to see them.  Today I learned that God will open doors in the most unusual ways and places.  Canvessing I couldn't believe how many people I was able to talk to and how many sounded genuinely excited about the events coming up.

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