RSE Group

RSE Group
Group shot of all the RSE attendants

Thursday, June 19, 2014



Started the day off with trying to figure out how to pull the stopper in my bathroom sink out.  I finally took the magnet from the back of a name tag I had and used that to get it out.  After that little issue I arrived at the church for the second day of our staff retreat.  Today we started to flush out a bit of what the theme will be for the upcoming year.  There were many good ideas flying around and we started to get some focus.  We are working now to do some more focusing and coming back at our next staff meeting to hopefully have a much better idea of the direction we will be going.

Around 12:30 we went to lunch as a staff.  We ate at Whiskey Creek and it was a great time.  I heard a couple college stories from everyone, an especially funny one from Pastor Jim.  It was a good bonding time and very good food I might add.  I had a Parmesan chicken sandwich that was delicious.  I felt bad for Pastor Koglin, who is on a gluten free diet, and got a sandwich with no bun but come to find out the jalapenos  were breaded.

After that we all headed back to the office.  Michael and I did our first devotion time.  It was a great time and I am excited about the devotion we choose.  It is called 40 days with Jesus.  It is written as if Christ were talking directly to you.  It has a narrative section and then usually a verse or two written out to read.  Then sometimes it will have a reflection verse or a couple of them.  We not only read the reflection verse but all around it just to see the context it was in.

Then I took a good portion of the day to look into an idea we had about our theme.  I am careful not to say too much since we haven't officially released the theme we have for the upcoming year.  All I can say is that an off suggestion from Bryce, April's husband, is being ran with on my side and seeing all the different possibilities that it entails.  I really hope we are able to get it to work and be an effective tool for communicating our theme as well as inspiring Monday-Saturday witness as well.

After work I headed home for a bit before I made my way to Slaterly park.  There I watched my first softball game ever and for Redeemer.  The team we were playing got some great hits right into our holes but it still looked like they were having fun.  It was good to get out and meet some families and practice learning some of the youth names.  I have a nice solid chunk of names in my brain but come the school year I will probably fumble a bit again.

For the rest of the night I made supper and basically hung out at my apartment.  Hopefully I will be able to get to Hyvee and Games by James tomorrow but with service it might be a bit interesting.  I think I'l have to wait until Friday to do that stuff.

Today I learned that all the work in the office is great.  But sometimes it is nice to just be at those social functions talking and discussing with people.

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