RSE Group

RSE Group
Group shot of all the RSE attendants

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Your Average Day

Well nothing big or huge to report today.  Today was a pretty normal day at the office and at home.  I was able to get some good work done today.  Although I was a bit distracted.  Not sure why but it is what it is.  Maybe it was just because it is a Monday leading into the Holiday week.  Who knows.  At home I was able to do some gaming as well as get some time to talk with Amy which is always nice.  Just your average pretty good day here in Rochester.  :)

Today I learned that I get a lot of emails in one day.  I get a lot from Redeemer people but also just a lot from things I've been a part of in the past.  I also get a lot of spam which is just plain annoying sometimes.

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