RSE Group

RSE Group
Group shot of all the RSE attendants

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Kindle For Recent Grads Day 4


Wednesday came with our second full day of sessions.  We started off again with worship and then breakfast.  Our first session that day was stewardship of time.  This was an incredibly helpful session for me.  I have always had trouble in this area.  Mainly because I haven't found a system that works for me very well.  I am getting much better as time goes on.  Internship has helped me find really good ways that help me manage my time well.  We then had a session after lunch on should I stay or should I go.  I didn't think I would get much out of this because I was only on internship.  However we talked about much more and I was able to glean quite a bit and store away much for later on in my ministry.

Our session in the afternoon was an open mic time to ask and answer questions.  During the first couple days we were encouraged to write down questions and stick them in the box that would be gone through during this time.  I was very excited for this time.  We went through most of the questions there, keeping a time limit so as to get through the most possible.  We covered many areas and it was nice because if anyone had input they could talk about it.  It was great to hear from the very experienced teachers and other circle coaches, as well as where all the other recent graduates were at as well.  That was probably the  most helpful session of the whole seminar for me personally.

Today I learned that sometimes I have to be a bit rude, in my own mind, and interrupt people.  Being a quieter person I listen a lot and sometimes don't get a chance to voice my question or opinion.

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