RSE Group

RSE Group
Group shot of all the RSE attendants

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Lake George Day 2


We started off the morning early and made our way to the church.  There we set up breakfast and got some food in our stomachs.  We then went up to the sanctuary for worship and had our time up there.  This morning we talked about our talents and gifts from God.  After that we headed out to our different jobs.  The logging group was cutting down some trees today and would be hauling them back all cut up ready to be split and stacked.  Our painting crew was starting the painting job today.  They had to paint the window frames, front of the building, and the trim along the top.  Any extra paint they would do the fence, playground, and other places that used the same color.  The other group was going to finish Viola's house and the move to Clara's house.  I visited all the different sites and got some pictures of different jobs.  They really worked hard and put in the effort to get things done.

At lunch they did their devotions and I sat in with the logging group and we had some good talk.  I tried to stay quiet because I had written them and had a general idea of where I wanted the conversation to go.  They had some great talk and discussion about the idea of vocation.  The afternoon of work went just as great as well.  They were going strong all the way to supper.  We had supper that night of hobo dinners.  Olivia and Maggie helped get them ready to cook.  They were absolutely delicious and actually had a second one, there was enough for two for everyone.  We had a lot left over.  We went into our worship time after that and Lori talked about the fruits of the Spirit with us.  We then headed back to Camp Courage and played the ding game.  It is a game where you complete a challenge each turn then you put a curse on someone.  They are cards that say you have to do certain things when you speak or when other players do or say something.  It is quite fun.  It got very silly and I put myself out there and ended up unofficially winning because I had 6 curses and was able to do them all.

Today I learned that I have so much support around me.  I knew it before but seeing it was amazing.  I'm so glad God has put me here with these wonderful brothers and sisters.

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