RSE Group

RSE Group
Group shot of all the RSE attendants

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Lake George Day 3


We had come to our half day of the week.  We had quite a bit of work to still get done but we all had faith.  We came to the church for our breakfast and packed lunches for the first time this whole weekend.  Then we went upstairs for worship and Bible study.  This morning we talked about being a part of the Body of Christ.  That God has gifted each one of us with special abilities to work together towards the goal of the kingdom of God.  We then headed out for our last time of work.  The logging group came in to finish painting and get some of the areas that got missed here and there.  The painting crew and half of the other group went out to Camp Courage to clean up the beach and pay our rent to them in that sense.  Our last group worked at Elsie's house and the cafe that day.  Matt, Adrian, and Ian did some cleaning up at the Wigwam there in Lake George.

There was so much work that got done today.  I couldn't believe all that we were able to accomplish.  We then went out to Camp Courage to get ready for the swimming/boating time as well as the logging camp later that night.  We went out to Itasca and had our lunch and devotion there.  The devotion that day was giving each other compliments while sitting in a circle.  It went over really well and everyone was smiling afterwards.  Then we headed out to the Henzels' and got to swim and get a pontoon ride on Potato Lake.  We also had a cake and soda floats for Delayna's birthday that was coming up soon.  She was totally surprised and we got her good.  Then we got all changed and dried off and headed out to the logging camp.

At the logging camp we ate family style having ribs, roast beef, chicken, and pork.  It was absolutely delicious.  We had beans, coleslaw, potatoes, macaroni salad, and rolls.  There was so much food and it was so good.  We all lifted a logging chain weighing for 1 ton together as a group.  Troy was able to pull it a little ways on his own.  We bought stuff at the gift shop, including, for me, a rubber band gun hehe.  Then we headed back to Camp Courage and had a some more fun playing the ding game again.  This time Sam totally won with 11 curses and able to do them all before we went to bed.

Today I learned that you will never reach everyone during a Bible study.  Some people are just not there mentally and some are there with their whole hearts every time.  I need to not blame myself for this and not let it get me down.    

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