RSE Group

RSE Group
Group shot of all the RSE attendants

Monday, July 14, 2014

Ceiling Tiles


Spent a good majority of the morning hanging out a home.  It was nice to have a morning to myself.  I played some games.  The Sim Weyers are doing very well.  Finally got the parent's lifetime wishes.  Have to see if I will play each individual child.  I also did some reading.  I am continuing to read the rule book for Warhammer 40k.  I can't wait till I can find a group and play and start to make my own army and all that.  I hope I find some people who are willing to put up with a new guy for awhile and show him the ropes of how to play.  Lastly I cleaned up a bit around the apartment.  I put some stuff away and did the dishes.  It was a nice relaxing morning.

That evening I had the first random acts of kindness meeting and event.  We were putting in ceiling tiles in the downstairs Sunday School rooms and the hallway as well.  As I was waiting a couple showed up.  However as time went on we got a good number of people.  When all was said and done we had a total of thirteen people which was awesome.  I honestly had no clue how far we would get in putting up the tiles but by God's help we were able to put in all the tiles they had downstairs for us.  We had to skip any that needed to be cut or that went above the lights.  Scott and Dave would cut them and Scott was going to put in new lights down there as well.  It was an awesome time and still can't believe how much we got done.  After that we had some pizza and came to the deciding of our name.  It came down to the wire but we eventually went with PYROS: Passionate Youth Revealing Our Savior.  I am very excited about all we can do with this name and to see what else they will do.

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